Monthly Archives: May 2021

  1. Success Story of Luitpolhütte, How W Abrasives experts become TrialAdvisor?

    Luitpolhütte is a German company which produces high-quality castings in small and medium-sized series for renowned companies throughout the world. 
    Their main key differentiating point is based on their unique offer: they are focused on heavy, technical, sophisticated and core-intensive castings of up to 1,000 kg.
    Faced with a blasting issue, Luitpoldhutte did not hesitate to trust Winoa’s expert team and came for a trial at Le Cheylas Test Center.


    What are the stakes of the trial?

    Currently Luitpoldhütte is re-blasting most of its parts two or three times, focusing on one or two critical areas which is a real waste of time and money!
    The goal of the trial was to find a more efficient abrasive in ord
  2. Focus on blasting process control to guarantee cleaning success!

    A successful Technical Seminar was held in June at Schulz Foundry, one of the biggest air compressor manufacturers in Brazil. They started in the foundry industry producing parts for their compressors and, after that, extended their range of products for the automotive industry, the most important Brazilian sector today after the agricultural sector.
    Schulz was one of the first customers where we were successful in implementing the HPG in 2007, providing important gains in productivity, a fact that has kept them faithful to our product since then. The HPG, which means High Performance Grit, is a steel grit specially designed to improve shot blasting performance in foundries and forges. It works faster and lasts longer. Its characteristics give a higher cleaning efficiency on external parts, a higher cleaning efficiency of internal surfaces with smaller holes and geometry details, and a controlled and consistent surface profile.