- Profilium
Profilium® - A high efficiency grit developed to improve your air blasting process.
WAPROF_BRIn stock - Stainium
Stainium® - High performance alternative to steel shot for descaling in a wheel blast process.
WASTAIN_BRIn stock - Prowheelium
ProWheelium® - A ready-mixed, high efficiency steel grit, optimized for wheel-blasting process.
HPG® (High Performance Grit) - Unique hardness steel grit for High performance Foundries.
WAHPG_BRIn stock - Hybrid Shot
Hybrid Shot® - Unique steel blasting media for Foundry applications, composed of proprietary blend of shot and angular shot.
Brazil Category
- Abrasives
- Tools & Instruments
- Blast Check Kit
- Sieving Kit 3x
- Magnifying Glas with LED 3,0 - 20x
- Almen Strip Holder_SAE
- Almen Strips
- WA Clean
- Pocket Scale
- Almen Gage Kit
- High Resistance Screws AS
- Model B Digital Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Layer Thickness Gauge
- Thickness Gauge Capacity 5mm
- Calibration Test Kit - Certified
- Elcometer Powder Coatings Inspection Kit
- Duct deposit measurement system
- Bresle Salt Contamination Kit
- Dust Tape Measurement Kit
- Roll of tape
- Needle pressure gauge
- Blasting Inspection Kit 1
- Magnetic Sweeper
- Digital Surface Profile Meter
- Testx Surface Replica Tape
- Bresle Salinity Test Conductivity Measuring Kit
- portable abrasive blasting machine 15bar(217psi)
- Blasting Equipment
- Cellulose Cartridge Filter
- Polyester Cartridge Filte
- Pneumatic Hose
- Short Nozzle
- Long Nozzle
- Extra Long Nozzle
- PVC Gloves, Long Sleeves
- Helmet Air Valve
- Helmet Filter
- Acrylic Screen for Helmet
- Glass for Helmet
- White Fiber Helmet for Blasting Operator
- Nylon Pants for Blasting Operator
- Jacket (red, Nylon)
- Blasting Hose
- NOVA 3 ® Blasting Helmet
- Light weight blast suit
- Radex ® Complete Filter
- PantaTec
- NOVA 3 ® Blasting Jacket
- RPB 15M Breathing Airline Hose - CEJN
- RPB L4 Light Assembly - Global power connections
- Dust Collector Model-JXM
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